How to reach us
Reach Brindisi by train
There are 11 daily races from Taranto (65-80 mins); twice every hour from Bari (80-90 min); and twice every hour from Lecce (25-45 min). There are also 6 daily trains from Rome (6 hours). Brindisi Train Station (tel 0831-521-975) is located on the western edge of the city in Pienza F. Crispi.
Reach Brindisi by plane
The Salento Airport (Papola-Casale) is 6 km from the center of Brindisi and is connected to it by bus and taxi
Reach Brindisi by car
Brindisi is 116 km southeast of Bari on SS16 / SS379. Brindisi is 70 km east of Taranto on the SS7. Brindisi is 43 km north of Lecce on the SS613. Brindisi is 35 km southeast of Ostuni on the SP1bis. Brindisi is 49 km west of Grottaglie on the SS7.
Reach Brindisi by bus
UFSE (080-542-6552 Bari) operates 3 daily buses from Bari (105 min)