Absolute 1st Prizes

Absolute 1st Prizes are indivisible.

The Absolute Winners in each category will be awarded the following Prizes:

Category A: Scholarship of 400 euro and Diploma Certificate

Category B: Scholarship of 500 euro and Diploma Certificate

Category C: Scholarship of 700 euro and Diploma Certificate

Category D: Scholarship of 1.000 euro and Diploma Certificate

Category E: Scholarship of 1.300 euro and Diploma Certificate

Category F: Scholarship of 1.600 euro and Diploma Certificate

Category G: Scholarship of 1.900 euro and Diploma Certificate

Category H – “Mozart Prize”: Scholarship of 2.600 euro and Diploma Certificate


All non-awarded contestants will receive a Participation Diploma indicating the score obtained in the Competition.


Art. 11 – Special Awards

The Absolute Winner of the Competition will be given a Special Award offered by Rotary International District 2120.

The Absolute Winner of Category H – “Mozart Prize” will be offered a Special  Award by the Honorary Chairman of the Competition, Sergio Sernia, Governor Emeritus of Rotary International District 2120.

A Special Award for the best performance of a Composition by J. S. Bach will be offered by the President of the Rotary Club of Brindisi Valesio”, Vittorio Piceci.

A Special Award for the best performance of a L. van Beethoven’s Sonata will be offered by the Mayor of the City of Brindisi, Pino Marchionna.

A Special Award is provided for the best performance of a Composition written by a 20th century composer, offered by Francesco Flores Jewelers of Brindisi.

The “Musica d’Arte” Association of Preganziol (Treviso) will offer the winner of Category G a piano recital to be held on May 17, 2024, at the Council Chamber of the City of Preganziol.


Competitors will receive Diplomas of Merit and Participation and Diplomas of Second and Third Prize at the end of the auditions in each category, while the Absolute First Prizes and First Prizes will be awarded during the awards ceremony on April 21 at the “Nuovo Teatro Verdi” in Brindisi, located at Largo Gianni Errico, 1.

During the Award Ceremony, a Diploma of Honor will be awarded to the Teachers who presented the highest number of awarded competitors.